Rick Buckler of The Jam

Rick Buckler of The Jam

We've received this message from Rick Buckler's agent today…
We have sent Rick our best wishes and look forward to confirming the new date with him, for which all tickets purchased will be valid.

Rick Buckler – Drummer of The Jam 

Rick and his team want all the fans of Rick and The Jam to know that due to ongoing health issues Rick has been advised to take a break from touring his spoken word events booked for the first quarter of 2025. 

Rick has been really touched by the number of fans who have booked to see the shows, but presently he has been advised to rest, repair and build his physical strength in order to deal with touring up and down the UK. 

Rick is really excited to bring his updated “in conversation” show to life in so many new venues and to both loyal fans and new audiences. 

Once again thank you for you continued love, support and understanding. Rescheduled dates will be announced as soon as we are able to. 

Rick looks forward to seeing you all down the road. 

On behalf of Rick Buckler, 

Tim V, F-TROOP Agency & Midnight Mango Ltd 

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